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Monday, June 12, 2017

Top Rated Foods That Damage Your Heart

People are continuously been diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases yearly. There are more reasons to that, with unhealthy diet being one of the main factors. Some foods consumed regularly can be more than damage to the heart.

Here are top rated foods people should be weary of in the site of consumption rate:

1. Sweetened Beverages

Beverages are the biggest sources of sugar indifferent part of the world. It is stated that children consumed at least one sugar sweetened drink daily in the last 6 years.

The fact is that all these beverages are packed with added sugar and empty calories. Thus, a 12 oz soda can contain about 10 teaspoons of added sugar per serving, whereas it’s recommended to take not more than 9 teaspoons for men per day and 6 for women to prevent obesity, which is a heart disease risk factor.

Recent research suggest that there is a link between sweetened beverages and increased risks of dementia and stroke and even diet soda is believed to be associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular events.

2. Processed Meat

Processed meats like bacon, ham, salami, sausage, deli meats (even lean ones) and hot dogs are extremely high in salt and preservatives like nitrites and nitrates about 50% more nitrates and 400% more sodium per gram than in unprocessed meat which makes them a major danger for the heart.

Recent research show that 50g daily serving of processed meat is associated with 19% higher diabetes risk and 42% higher coronary heart disease risk, whereas unprocessed meat consumption is not associated with such risks.

3. Canned Foods

While a tasty and spicy food can be a good way to get some calories and curb your hunger, not all canned foods are as healthy as you might think; actually, certain canned foods can be harmful to your heart.

Canned foods have the highest sodium density among all packaged foods, which means they are extremely unhealthy and should be especially avoided by people with high blood pressure, diabetes or chronic kidney disease.

Lower sodium consumption can reduce coronary heart disease risk and also risk of stroke.
Another issue with canned foods is that its plastic lining contains a toxin called BPA (Bisphenol A), which can leach into food.

It’s believed that exposure to BPA is linked to an increased risk of various cardiovascular diseases. The best soup is a homemade soup because you can control the amount of salt you add.

4. Margarine

It was once believed that margarine is a healthier choice since it’s manufactured from vegetable oils. But that's in the past, many brands of margarine are even worse than butter.

It’s because they contain trans fatty acids which are known to have negative consequences for the health of the heart they are associated with increased risk of coronary artery disease, and also diabetes type 2.

5. Packaged Juices

Many of the “all-natural” packaged juices are filled with additives and artificial food colorings. Moreover, packaged fruit juices are loaded with enormous amounts of sugar, whereas vegetable juices often have too much sodium added.

Increased consumption of sugar contributes to obesity and higher risk of cardiovascular disease mortality, as for high sodium intake, it’s associated with increased risk of hypertension and stoke.


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