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Saturday, November 25, 2017

A Glass Of Sugarcane Juice a Day Is Healthy

Once people hear ‘sugar’, the first thing that comes to mind is that it is unhealthy. However, it would interest you to know that naturally occurring sugar is very healthy. 

A glass a day of sugarcane juice is enough to unlock the following health benefits. 

1.    Treats diabetes

This may seem contradictory but its natural sweetness is actually best for diabetic patients.

2.    Preventing cancer

Sugarcane juice is alkaline in nature and so it fights diseases such as cancer that can’t survive in alkaline environments. 

3.    Fights skin problems

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) is a component of sugarcane juice which reduces blemishes such as acne and fights against the onset of wrinkles. It can also be added to face scrubs due to its moisturizing capabilities.

4.    Aids digestion

It possesses high fiber content which is helpful for bowel movement, easing bloating and constipation.

5.    Keeps kidneys healthy

Studies have shown that this juice’s detoxifying quality can ward off kidney stones and keep the kidney working at optimum level.

6.    Pregnant woman’s companion

It has been shown that sugarcane juice can ease morning sickness, improves energy levels and give the immune system the boost it needs during pregnancy.

7.    Manages stress

The high potassium content of sugarcane, as well as certain amino acids, help in balancing out stress hormones. When under pressure, a glass of sugarcane juice will calm you and most likely induce sleep.

8.    Strengthen bones

Iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium which are all necessary for bone development are found in sugarcane. This makes it an excellent drink for your growing child.

9.    Aids weight loss

The dietary fiber in sugarcane will make one full thus reducing the tendency to overeat while the alkaline nature provides the right environment for your body to burn fat.

10.    Reduces cholesterol levels

Studies have linked reduced cholesterol levels to drinking sugarcane juice. This lowers your risk of any cardiovascular disease.

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