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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Reasons Why You Have A Short Sleep Overnight

Probably because you’re anxious, need to use the loo or simply had a nightmare, it seriously disrupts your sleep.

And once you’ve woken up, it can be more difficult to get back to sleep. 

There are various things you can do to reduce your chances of waking from your slumber in the middle of the night. 

Here are major reasons you might be waking up in the early hours of the morning.

Temperature is high or cold

Sleeping in a room that has the wrong temperature can make it harder to drift off and stay asleep. The Sleep Council recommend a temperature of 18 to 21 degrees Celsius. 

Skin Affected With Eczema

Eczema sufferers often find their skin becomes extra itchy at night, and this can often make it harder to sleep. Consult a skin specialist who will be able to give you medication to treat the problem.

Aching In The Joint

Restless leg syndrome is thought to affect around 10 per cent of the UK population, and despite the name, can also affect the arms, torso, head and other parts of the body. Allergy medication can make the syndrome worse too, so consult your doctor if you think you might be suffering. 

Strong Mattress

Whilst you might not feel comfortable on a particularly squishy mattress, sleeping on one that’s too firm can create pressure in your hips, shoulders and lower back, The Times of India reports. Make sure your mattress works for you by getting one from a company that allows you a trial period. 

Often Pee

It’s normal during pregnancy for women to feel the need to wee during the night, but if you’re not pregnant and this happens to you a lot, you may have Nocturia. For most people, urine production should be low at night. Avoid drinking too much in the evening, particularly diuretics like tea and coffee.

Over Consumption Of Alcohol

You may think a couple of glasses of wine will help you nod off, but it can often lead to disrupted sleep in the night. Try and stop drinking a while before bed to give your body time to metabolise the alcohol first.


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