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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Uses Of Toothpaste You Don't Know Of Aside Your Teeth

Who could have imagine the oral is worth performing wonderful actions  aside the teeth been pearly white, sparkling and healthy.

For the purpose of this article, we’ll be discussing some of the many functions of toothpaste. Note, you should stick with white pasty toothpaste and not the gel type if you really want to get the best out of it.

The following are some of the uses of the paste:

Skin Bug Bites

Apply a small glob of white toothpaste to the affected skin area in order to reduce itching, inflammation and also reduce irritation.

Remove pungent odors

Cooking in the kitchen gets your hand in touch with ingredients like onions, garlic, and other smelly ingredients. Clearly, this would leave your hands all smelly all day! Simply rinse your hands out with toothpaste to get rid of the unpleasant odour.

Carpet Stains

Get to work on stubborn carpet stains with an old toothbrush and white toothpaste. Scrub and rinse then repeat the process all over again until the stain is all gone.

Cellphone screens

Long overuse of your mobile phone without screen protection leaves it with scratches and dents. Not to worry though, lightly rub the screen with a touch of toothpaste and your finger or a soft finger. Clean off gently with a soft damp cloth in order not to get your mobile device wet.

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