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Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Women With Diabetes Can Control Vaginal Health - Mache Seibel, M.D.

Approximately over 10.0 million women globally suffers from diabetes and almost over 50 million adults with prediabetes, most of the women are experiencing unconfortable
vaginal symptoms like recurrent yeast and bacterial infections, vaginal dryness, reduced sexual interest, and painful intercourse that can adversely affect quality of life.

Visit your healthcare provider to test for Hemoglobin A1c or a fasting blood sugar test for type 2 diabetes because diabetes can be prevented if you change your lifestyle by losing weight, eating healthier foods, and exercising more. 
Diabetes not only puts people at risk for heart disease, its also a leading cause of blindness, kidney failure, amputation of limbs, and other serious conditions. And like other serious medical problems, such as osteoporosis or hardening of the arteries, diabetes arrives steadily and silently unless you take the steps needed to stop and reverse the process, says Mache Seibel, M.D., Member Harvard Medical School Faculty, Editor of www.HotYearsMag.com
I wrote this song and made this video to remind you of things you can do to lower the risk of diabetes. Also, in my book The Estrogen Fix, I explain how taking estrogen can lower the risk of diabetes for women in menopause.
If youre suffering with vaginal symptoms, the good news is, the uncomfortable symptoms can be controlled.
  1. Diabetics, even if they are not menopausal, often have atherosclerosis, which damages blood vessels and decreases blood flow to the heart. It also decreases blood flow to the vagina. The result is diminished lubrication and arousal. Once a woman with diabetes goes through menopause and estrogen levels plummet, so can sexual satisfaction. Decreased vaginal lubrication and resulting vaginal dryness can make intercourse more painful for many women and reduce their sexual desire and response. Replens External Soothing Gel is readily available to calm and soothe the sensitive exterior vulvar skin, and estrogen free Replens moisturizer provides long-lasting internal relief. It rejuvenates dry vaginal cells and provides moisture for three full days.
  2. In women with diabetes, vaginal secretions contain more glucose, or sugar, due to higher amounts of glucose in the blood, which nourishes yeast cells, causing them to multiply and create a hospitable environment for the overgrowth of both bacteria and yeast. The key to maintaining daily vaginal health is balancing yeast and bacteria. RepHresh Pro-B is a probiotic supplement that studies show balances yeast and bacteria with two patented and clinically tested vaginal strains of healthy lactobacillus (flora), L. rhamnosus GR-1 and L. reuteri RC-14. Both help maintain the vaginal flora in a normal range.
If you have diabetes, controlling your blood sugar levels is key. And restoring vaginal health for diabetics can be as simple as a trip to the drug store, adds Seibel. Your health care provider can also recommend a local vaginal estrogen.

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