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Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Testicular Cancer In Young Men Is Being Unnoticed

Men have been diagnosed with testicular cancer yearly

Less than one-third of men check for signs of testicular cancer.

What is testicular cancer?

Testicular cancer is actually characterised by a lump in one of the testicles, the male sex organs producing sperm and testosterone.

Testicle tumours are more likely to strike at aged 15-49 than those over 50.

Globally over thousands of men are diagnosed on yearly basis.

This roughly equates to just one per cent of all male cancer, although cases of testicular cancer have DOUBLED since the mid-70s.

There are several different types of testicular cancer:

Germ cell cancer: which occurs in the sperm-production cells (95% of cases)

Lymphoma: cancer of the lymph nodes (4% of cases)

Leydig cell tumours: which occur in the testosterone-production cells (1-3% of cases)

Sertoli cell tumours: which occur in the sperm-production cells (1% of cases)

However, the survival rate is very high - with 98% of men surviving for five years or more after diagnosis

The Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

The most common sign you see or noticed is a painless lump on one of your testicles, which is normally about the size of a pea.

Not all testicular lumps are cancerous, while only four per cent of scrotal lumps are, but you should still always get your GP to take a look.

Here are the signs to look out for:

A lump or swelling in the testicle

A heavy scrotum

A dull ache or sharp pain in the testicles and scrotum

A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum

A difference in the texture or increase in firmness of the testicle

A difference between one testicle and the other

Check Your Testicles

It's a good idea to have a hot shower before checking them, then gently roll your testicle between your thumb and finger.

Then repeat for the other testicle.

Repeat this every week so you get a feel for their shape and size.

This is how to check for the signs of testicular cancer

Causes of Testicular cancer

The exact causes are unknown, but there are a number of things that can increase your risk factor...

Undescended testicles: When a baby boy is born with his balls inside his testicles - and they don't descend by the time they turn one - this person is three times more likely to develop testicular cancer.

Family history: If your dad had testicular cancer, you're four times more likely to develop it, while you're eight times more likely to develop testicular cancer if your brother had it.

Previous testicular cancer: Men who have already survived testicular cancer are four to 12 times more likely to get it in the other testicle.

Ethnicity: White men have a higher risk of developing testicular cancer than other ethnic groups.

How is Testicular Cancer Treated

The testicles and scrotum explained

Almost all men treated for the most common form, germ cell cancer, survive.

Treatment tends to involve the surgical removal of the affected testicle, but this can be replaced with a prosthetic one.

If both testicles are removed, you will be left infertile - but some men can bank their sperm before this happens.

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