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Saturday, August 29, 2020

Over 3,600 Americans Died of Cronavirus During The Republican National Convention


During the Republican National Convention there were very few masks in any of the live audiences, including the 1,500 guests invited to watch the United State President Donald Trump's speech. The White House said "those in close proximity to Trump will be tested," CNN's Jim Acosta reported. "But many will not be tested." And a senior White House official, when asked about the lack of masks and social distancing, told Acosta, "Everybody is going to get infected with this thing eventually."

Lots of Americans have already been infected with the coronavirus, and one statistic illustrated for many the ongoing toll of COVID-19. "As at tonight, coronavirus has infected nearly six million Americans, with more than 180,000 souls lost," MSNBC's Brian Williams noted Thursday night. 

More Americans have died from COVID-19 during the four days of this Republican convention than the number of Americans killed on 9/11."The death toll from the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks was 2,977. 

It may seem finicky to use that number as the metric to highlight this week's COVID-19 deaths, but 9/11 was the Republican Party's emotional and foreign policy lodestar for most of this century. 

Joe Biden, when he was running for the Democratic nomination in 2007, memorably said of Rudy Giuliani, then seeking the GOP nomination: "There's only three things he mentions in a sentence: a noun, and a verb, and 9/11." Giuliani, now Trump's personal lawyer, was a featured speaker at Thursday's RNC.


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