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Thursday, October 19, 2023

Dangers Of Using Cotton Buds And Other Dangerous Items To Clean The Ears

Cotton buds break and damage the sensitive and delicate skin in the ear canal which can result in

• Bleeding 
• Irritation 
• Ear infections
. Ear drum damage

There is high risks in using cotton buds and other dangerous items to clean the ears.

Majority of the human traits have had different dangerous items which had been used to provide helpful alternatives for ear cleaning. 

It's important to create awareness to pass this information to people on safe ear cleaning practices and to protect the Ear. 

Inserting a cotton bud, the cover of a pen, pen, broom sticks, match sticks, bird feathers or any other object into the ear can damage the eardrum, ear canal or push the earwax deeper into the ear. 

If it's just cleaning, you can use medical grade olive oil or a warm damp cloth to clean your outer ear. 

If your ear canal is completely blocked, it is best to consult a professional doctor or ear specialist because the inner ear in particular is a delicate structure and will require a professional to remove any 'dirt' from it safely or recommend appropriate treatment. 


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