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Monday, July 29, 2013

Is This the Best Vitamin Program

We all know that exercising and eating a healthy diet is good for us, but even if you enjoy a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and fortified food, it's incredibly difficult to get all the nutrients you need.

That's why health experts suggest people take vitamins and supplements — but this is for more than simply upping your daily dose of Vitamins C, D and E. Recent articles on WebMD discuss using supplements to help you sleep better, improve memory, and enhance your mood. And a new study in the Journal of American Medicine shows that taking a daily multivitamin can reduce the risk of cancer by 8 percent.
Nevertheless, there are three key reasons why people either skip taking supplements or end up using ones that aren't effective.
1. Time - Between taking care of family, getting to work on time, and carving out a free moment in the day for ourselves (and no, driving from point A to point B doesn't count), trekking to some “natural food” store can become yet another laborious errand on our long daily to-do list.
2. Cost - According to Consumer Reports, Americans spend more than $27 billion on supplements. Specialty stores are more than happy to cash in on those profits, which means the vitamins you need for good health are often outrageously expensive.
3. Quality - The FDA has set down Good Manufacturing Practices for dietary supplements, but they allow companies to self-monitor production. As a result, you could be buying bottles with poor quality ingredients or weak dosages, even when purchasing from high-end stores.
Enter Smart Vitamin Club, a new site that delivers all different types of USP-Grade vitamins and supplements right to your door, with free shipping, at up to 50 percent less than the normal retail price.

Smart Vitamin Club can offer quality nutrient formulations at low prices because they've eliminated the common cost-boosters — fancy packaging, budget-gouging middle men, and selling through fancy retailers. 

Yet, despite their low prices, Smart Vitamin Club's supplements equal or exceed the nutrient quality of the highest-priced brands by having each bottle independently audited.

Plus, you can feel comfortable knowing that despite your massive savings, Smart Vitamin Club meets every detail of the United States FDA's Current Good Manufacturing Practices for Dietary Supplements.

How It Works

Visit Smart Vitamin Club and check out their vast selection. They offer everything from basic vitamins and minerals, to specialty supplements for colon health, vision care, boosting energy and mood, memory enhancement, cardiovascular health, and more.

The founders of Smart Vitamin Club are so confident you’ll be blown away by the quality and low pricing, that they're offering a special deal for new members. You'll get a free, full-sized bottle of your favorite supplement, plus a 14-day free membership and an additional $25 gift card. You pay $0.99 for processing and shipping. That's a savings no other vitamin shop or health food store could ever offer.

As a member of Smart Vitamin Club, you'll also get free phone access to their Vitamin Experts and additional free, full-size bottles of supplements or vitamins when you refer friends to the program.
You're not obligated to buy anything or spend that $25 gift card during your 14-day free trial. Plus, you can cancel your membership at any time.

Vitamins and supplements can lead to better overall health, and for too long people have been putting themselves at risk due to high costs and poor quality product. With Smart Vitamin Club, that situation could be a thing of the past.


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