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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Disturbed Mums May Hinder Babies' Sleep

Mothers with depression may behave in ways that disturb their infants’ sleep, according to a new study.

Pennsylvania State University researchers conducted home visits with 45 mothers and their infants between the ages of one month and two-year over seven consecutive days to collect information about depression symptoms among the mothers and their infants’ quality of sleep.

Greater amounts of sleep disruption were noted in infants whose mothers had higher level of symptoms of depression and more worries about their infants’ sleep, the researchers found.

They then investigated whether the mothers’ symptoms of depression caused them to behave in ways that affected their infants’ sleep, or whether infants’ night awakenings led their mothers to be more depressed, perhaps because of lack of sleep.

Greater amounts of sleep disruption were noted infants whose mothers had higher levels of symptoms of depression and more worries about their infants’ sleep, the researchers found.

They then investigated whether the mothers’ symptoms of depression caused them to behave in ways that affected their infants’ sleep, or whether infants’ night awakenings led their mothers to be more depressed, perhaps because of lack of sleep.

The researchers found that it’s the depression-linked behaviour of mothers that interferes with infants’ sleep.

For example, mothers with more symptoms of depression and worries are more likely to pick up babies who were sleeping.

Mothers who are feeling depressed may seek emotional comfort by going to their infants during the night, the researcher explained.

Mothers who worried about their infants’ well-being might respond to any infant sound in the night and move their babies into their own beds in order to ease concerns about whether their infants are hungry, thirsty and comfortable.

The findings help “us better understand what factors influence infants’ sleep in homes in which mothers are depressed,” lead author Douglas Teti, a professor of human development, psychology and paediatrics, said in a journal news release.

Sleep problems often endure beyond childhood and can have a negative effect on various aspects of development, including emotional, behavioural and academic functioning,” Teti noted.

The American academy of paediatrics has more about babies and sleep.

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