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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Snail Meat Good For Fat Control

Snails are always common in the rainy season, and some people have been wondering if snail does have any benefit in the body. 

Snails provide essential nutrients but you should know that the way you cook them also determine eat them as part of the diet.
Weight control: snail can help you reduce your weight whether you are willing to reduce or to maintain your current weight. 

The snail meat only has 90n calories, which provides 16g of protein from a 100g serving size. 

Snail may fit into a low carbohydrate diet plan since they only have 2g total carbohydrate per serving.

Snail also provides 3.5g of iron or nearly 20% of the daily value. The iron in snails is in heme which is needed the bopdy to absorbed. Other essential nutrients in snail is magnesium and vitamin B12.

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