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Saturday, August 23, 2014

Exercises Pregnant Women Should Be Faniliar With

If you are already exercising, you will probably be able to keep up with your routine and adapt it as you grow. first trimester.  Exercise and pregnancy usually work well together.

Keep your heart rate under 140 beats per minute and avoid overheating, especially in your

Kegel Exercises:

Pregnant women who perform Kegel exercises often find they have an easier birth. Strengthening these muscles during pregnancy can help you develop the ability to control your muscles during labor and delivery.

Toning all of these muscles will also minimize two common problems during pregnancy: bladder leaks and hemorrhoids.

Kegel exercises are also recommended after pregnancy to promote perineal healing, regain bladder control, and strengthen pelvic floor muscles.

The best thing about Kegel exercises is that they can be done anywhere, and no one knows you’re doing them.

Exercise and Pregnancy: Recommendations


Many health care providers and fitness professionals say swimming is the safest exercise for pregnant women. Swimming keeps your body toned without adding weight and stress to your joints.

When swimming you are raising your heart rate and enjoying a safe cardiovascular exercise that is not likely to cause overheating.

Another benefit of swimming during pregnancy comes from the safety of not falling. During pregnancy your balance will be off and this make you more susceptible to tripping or falling.

Swimming cancels that risk (at least while you are in the pool). Although swimming is a water sport, you should avoid scuba diving or water skiing.


Walking is very beneficial because it is safe for your body. It is easier on your knees than running and can be easily worked into your schedule. Start slowly and be sure you stretch well before you begin. Set realistic goals and wear good shoes to decrease the risk of falling or pressure on your feet.

Exercise and Pregnancy: Walking or Running

Running & Jogging:

Usually if you are in a habit of running, you can continue running.  However, if you did not run before pregnancy, you may want to speak to your health care provider before you begin a running program. If you run, make sure you’re well hydrated, avoid over-heating , and wear good shoes.

Exercise and Pregnancy: Bicycling


The best thing about biking is that the bike supports your weight, so there is less stress on your body. A stationary bike is great exercise because you have less of a chance of falling. As you grow, your center of gravity is shifting so you are at an increased risk of falling.

As your abdomen grows, it can put a lot of stress on your back. Start slowly and do not over-exert yourself. Continue reading

1 comment:

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