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Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Is Homosexual Natural?

Homosexuality Is Natural posted by Aaron Jackson September 10, 2013  Read more: http://www.exposingtruth.com/homosexuality-is-natural/#ixzz3Ayz1T3vx Follow us: @Exposing4Truth on Twitter | ExposingTheTruth on Facebook

It is often argued that homosexuality or bisexuality are not normal, or not natural, and that they have no place on this Earth.
This, however, is just a misconception based on insufficient information or indoctrination.
In some ways we could argue that since it happens at all, that it is natural.

Unless we assume there is some unnatural external force teaching or manipulating some of us, seemingly at random, that could change what we were sexually attracted to.

Of course some people claim this to be the case; claiming the cause is the media or the devil, and unfortunately some naturally homosexual people believe that too, living a life in denial, or attending some conversion therapy in an attempt to ‘be normal’.

However, the truth is that homosexuality is, and has been for a very long time, natural, while the definition of normal varies from person to person, being normal does not suggest being special or unique, and could even be used as a derogatory description.

Being gay or bisexual should not be considered as immoral or criminal by itself, especially when considering the statistics of hate crimes, often violent, due to sexual-orientation bias.

The FBI 2011 hate crime statistics reports that there were 1,572 victims targetted due to sexual-orientation bias.

According to the US Department of Justice a quarter of a million Americans are victims of hate crimes each year and over half are not reported to law enforcement.

Based on the FBI hate crime statistics showing that 20.8% of hate crimes are of a sexual-orientation bias, we could then estimate the true number of sexual-orientation hate crimes to be 52,000 each year, and these crimes are rising annually.

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