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Thursday, October 09, 2014

Dead Ebola Patient Rises From the Dead

Africa confirms 3rd Ebola victim rising from the dead, releases picture of first ‘Ebola zombie’ captured,” was shared which has been shared around the web, is posted on a satirical site.

The image caption reads: "For the first time in human history, confirmed footage is captured of a man who scientists watched die from Ebola then only several hours later, regain life and rise from the dead".

It is just the latest in a series of rumours of Ebola victims being seen “resurrecting” after apparently being killed by the virus.

Reports of two separate cases of Ebola victims dying and then coming back to life in Liberia’s Nimba County have appeared in two African news outlets; All Africa and The New Dawn.

The reports suggest the women identified as Doris Qui of Hope Village Community, and Ma Kebeh, “resurrected” as they were about to be taken to burial.

Another story that hasn’t helped the resurrection rumours is from when Good Morning America’s Dr Besser and his team captured a man thought to have died from the virus seen moving on film.

The man was filmed being prepared for burial when he was seen twitching his arm on the camera.

SOURCES: http://www.independent.co.uk

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