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Saturday, November 22, 2014

52-year-old Woman Swallowed 78 Different Cutlery Items

A 52-year-old woman complaining of stomach pains had to go under the knife after doctors found she swallowed an entire kitchen.

Margaret Daalman of the Netherlands left doctors flabbergasted when X-rays showed 78 different cutlery items in her stomach.

"I don't know why but I felt an urge to eat the silverware — I could not help myself,” Daalman told doctors, The Telegraph reported.

Medics diagnosed her as suffering from borderline personality disorder that left her with an urge to eat cutlery.

Every time she sat down for a meal, Daalman would ignore the food and eat the cutlery. It was confirmed that she had only ever eaten forks and spoons, never knives, but they were unable to explain why.

The woman made a full recovery and responded well to her treatment for the unusual obsession.

Hmmmmmmm still hard to believe


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