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Saturday, November 08, 2014

Menstrual Cycle Myths That Trouble Your Mind

There are the obviously wrong ideas, like every woman’s cycle lasts the same amount of time (it doesn’t), and a heavy flow indicates menorrhagia (very few women experience this abnormal level of bleeding).

Some ideas, however, are not as easy to disprove. In which case, we poked around the Internet for the wildly perpetuated ideas regarding a woman’s menstrual cycle and ran them by Dr. Carolyn Dean, on the medical advisory board for the Nutritional Magnesium Association.

Myth: Swimming In The Ocean On Your Period Attracts Sharks

Even if Dean wasn’t a doctor specializing in women’s health, she lives in Maui; she knows about sharks. “Sharks don’t just swim around looking for victims,” she said. “They can sense body fluid and blood from distances, but they’re looking for dead fish. It’s possible they sense blood, but they don’t attack. To say you shouldn’t go swimming because you have your period is really ridiculous.”

Myth: Hot Water Increases Period Flow

Hot water (and heat in general) does not affect flow, making it lighter or heavier, but it will increase your circulation, Dean said. Improved circulation benefits women suffering from cramps. For when cramps are especially bad, Dean recommends warm, Epsom salt baths.

Myth: You Can’t Get Pregnant On Your Period

“That’s a mistake; It can happen,” Dean said. “There are other things that can trigger hormones to trigger ovulation.”
For example, Dean said sperm can survive 48 hours after the fact. So if women have sex in the days after their period ends, they may not be safe from pregnancy. The only way you can tell is if you conduct the standard ovulation method, which is to check mucus and temperature. Dean said mucus indicates acceptance of sperm, and temperature indicates ovulation.

Myth: Avoid Exercise

Exercise, like hot water, actually benefits period cramps, producing chemicals that block pain. Dean said exercise can be particularly helpful for people who otherwise enjoy it. CONTINUE READING


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