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Sunday, December 28, 2014

Causes of Low Libido

The body does not react well to stress. Emotional stress may affect physical function, including sexual desire and performance.

Realizing what underlying stressors may exist is the first step in treatment. Self-help may work but some people may need to visit a counselor or doctor.Sexual desire requires two to tango.

Both partners need to feel connected and women especially need the feeling of being close. Poor communications, a sense of betrayal, lack of trust, and repeated fighting and criticism may create a relationship that lacks closeness and intimacy.

Counseling may be the answer if couples find that the issues are too tough to resolve on their own.Alcohol is usually not the answer to any problem.

While alcohol may decrease inhibitions, it also decreases sexual performance and libido. Your partner may not appreciate a drunken advance and may be turned off by it. Alcohol is an addictive drug and you may need help to quit.

As with any physical activity, a rested body increases performance. Lack of sleep, including lack of proper sleep, may be the culprit that decreases sex drive. Sleep apnea is a potential cause for lack of good sleep and lack of libido.

Medical help may be needed if you or your partner suspect it.Being a parent is a full-time job and you need carve out time without a child or baby around.

Planning quiet time for intimacy and sexual desire may require some creative thinking, like having sex when the baby naps, or hiring a babysitter so mom and dad can have a play date.

Side effects of many prescription medications include loss of libido and sex drive. Some examples include:
  • High blood pressure medications including water pills and beta blockers
  • Cold medications that contain antihistamines and decongestants
  • Antidepressants
  • Birth control pills
  • Narcotic pain pills
  • Chemotherapy drugs
If this is the cause, your doctor may be able to suggest a medication alternative that might have fewer side effects. CONTINUE READING

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