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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Mom of Student Sues British school Over Suicide

Trixie Madamba, the mother of British School Manila (BSM) student Liam Madamba who had taken

his life, filed a complaint for violation of PD 1829 or obstruction of justice against the BSM Board of Governors, headed by Mr. Simon Mann, and its Council of Trustees, before the Department of Justice.

Mrs. Madamba claimed that the Council "willfully harbored and facilitated the escape" of Liam's teacher, Natalie Mann, who accused Liam of plagiarism.

The BSM Board and Council allegedly "tampered and altered reports to conceal, if not to impede an exhaustive investigation of the facts surrounding Liam's death."

"The trauma he suffered from Mrs. Mann led him to end his life," stated the complaint.

Liam, 18, one of the top graduating students at BSM, supposedly jumped from the 6th floor of the Dela Rosa carpark building in Makati on February 6.

He later died at the Makati Medical Center.
Mrs. Madamba earlier told ANC that instead of helping Liam, Mrs. Mann threatened and humiliated the boy.

"He was threatened, he was humiliated. He was told that he was a disgrace and destroying the reputation of the school. His scholarship is threatened.

And then he was taken to a separate room for a one-on-one meeting with this teacher. I don't know what happened in that room but she made him write a letter of apology," she said.

Madamba said she asked BSM for a copy of the independent review panel report but was given an edited, abridged version that made no mention of Liam's suicide or his teacher, Natalie Mann.

Mrs. Mann moved to South Africa to be with her family and resigned from BSM following the incident.

Simon Mann said the teacher felt vulnerable and unable to continue performing her duties because of the media attention the case had generated.



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