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Wednesday, July 05, 2017

Employee Accused of Murdering 71 Coworkers

A meat packing plant in texas is being investigated by local authorities as one of their employees is suspected of murdering a tragic 71 coworkers during his 17 years at the slaughterhouse, reports the Dallas Telegraph.

57 year old Jeremiah Burroughs, has been formally accused of the murder of no less than 70 coworkers after the disappearance of 71 coworkers since 1998 had raised local authorities suspicions.

The discovery of human bones in the neighborhood rendering plant which recycles slaughterhouse byproducts had raised the alarm and forced local authorities to crack down on potential suspects.

Jeremiah Burroughs, who is a Gulf war veteran, is suspected of suffering from PTSD syndrome and of extreme paranoia, explains police officer Emet Rubbens.

“We have no idea why he committed these atrocious crimes, there seems to lack a motive. What is most distressing is how he got away with these atrocious crimes for such a long period of time.

It seems he just processed his victims meat as he would’ve done with any other cow. His victims all disappeared somewhere in the meat packing process” he expressed with disgust.

“He was just a normal guy, like anybody else” admits coworker Adam Willfur. “I admit it’s strange he still lived alone with his mother, but he seemed to really enjoy his work. He’d rip off the skin of a carcass in a matter of seconds and would chop off its limbs in a flash. Whatever he did, he was a heck of a good worker, that’s all I’ve got to say about him” admitted another.

“It’s not an easy job, so we’re used to seeing people come in a few days and quit without notice” explains the meat packing plant manager, Alan Longspan. “Never did we realize that they had been murdered and processed as food” he told reporters, still visibly under shock.

Under current state law and if convicted, Burroughs could be sentenced to the capital punishment by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ), believe experts.



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