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Monday, November 27, 2017

Early Symptoms Of Heart Attack In Women

WebMD explains that female heart attack symptoms is greatly differ from male heart attack symptoms, therefore it is extremely important for all women to consult with a medical professional if they experience a typical symptoms, such as nausea, back or shoulder pain, sweating and dizziness.

According to MedlinePlus, some women experience heart attack warning symptoms for weeks before seeking medical treatment. In certain cases, doctors do not even recognize the typical warning signs in female patients, which include indigestion, fatigue, anxiety and nausea. Chances of surviving a heart attack improve if the individual seeks help quickly. MedlinePlus states that typically, American men and women wait at least two hours before calling 911 when experiencing heart attack symptoms. Women lower their risk of heart attack by adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes maintaining a healthy weight, eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Healthy lifestyles help to balance out high cholesterol levels, which are a risk factor in heart attacks.


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