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Monday, December 11, 2017

Early Baldness Linked to Heart Diseases - study

Researchers at the UN Mehta Institute of Cardiology and Research Centre, Ahmedabad, India has found that early baldness and premature greying of hairs are associated with the trigger of cardiovascular events among men.

According to the study, men who go bald before 40 years are at five-fold higher risk of developing heart diseases in their lives.

The new study revealed that baldness is more dangerous and has risk factor than obesity in developing cardiovascular disorders, as the latter was associated with a four-fold risk of triggering an early cardiac event.

During the research, researchers studied 790 Indian men below the age of 40 who are suffering from cardiovascular disorders. 1270 age-matched healthy men were also a part of this study, and they acted as a control group.

The researchers found that young men with cardiovascular disorders had a higher prevalence of premature baldness which is 49 percent to 27 percent compared to healthy controls. The prevalence of heart diseases in people with pre-mature greying is an alarming 50 percent versus 30 percent.

"Premature greying and androgenic alopecia (male-pattern baldness) correlate well with vascular age irrespective of chronological age and are plausible risk factors for coronary artery disease," said Dr Sachin Patil, lead author of the study, reports Deccan Chronicle. 

Interestingly, the smoking habit is also a comparatively lesser risk factor when compared to premature baldness and greying.

How to combat heart diseases?

Cardiovascular diseases usually happen when plaque gets developed in walls of our arteries which finally results in atherosclerosis.

Following a healthy diet is one of the best ways by which you can prevent becoming a victim of a cardiovascular diet.

You should include more fibre rich food in your diet, and should always try to say a big NO to fatty foods.

Continuous weight checks followed by regular physical exercise will also help you to combat the onset of a cardiovascular disorder.

You should also stay away from life taking habits like smoking and drinking for a healthy heart.


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