If you've ever wondered which foods have the best healing properties, this is the article you've been waiting for.
Drugs, pills and chemicals are not the only way to a healthy body, and
most of the time commercial drugs don't do much in terms of preventing
disease; they simply deal with the problem once it's there. Some whole
foods, on the other hand, have natural healing and preventive
Almost all foods have an effect on the human body, but some
make better medicinal foods than others.
The following list
takes into account a food's healing
potency, practicality of
consumption, availability, and proven effectiveness. Although I've only
listed 10, there are plenty more out there for you to discover.
10. Apples
An apple a day can definitely keep the doctor away. An extremely popular, practical and tasty
fruit, apples have some medicinal properties to boot. They contain
vitamins A and C, boron and other goodies, which make them effective at lowering cholesterol levels and the risk of cancer.

They also have some anti-bacterial and anti-viral qualities. In
addition, studies show that the smell of green apples reduces appetite.
Certain alternative medicines use the scent of green apples to induce
9. Broccoli
Many don't know that a single
serving of broccoli contains 97% of our daily vitamin C intake, which
is what makes it a great medicinal food for heart problems. Antioxidants
maintain normal blood flow and lower blood pressure. Its fiber lowers
cholesterol and chromium regulates blood sugar levels, making it a great
food for
In proper amounts, this amazing food can avert ulcers, and guards
against cataracts. Broccoli is also believed to prevent colon, lung and
breast cancer because of how it affects hormone levels.
8. Oranges
You all know that because of their vitamin C levels, these sun fruits
ward off nasty colds and flus, but did you know that oranges also help
prevent lung, stomach, pancreatic, colon, and breast cancer? On top of
that, they also contain potassium and vitamin B, which prevent strokes
and heart disease. It is also believed that oranges raise fertility in
men. One or two oranges a day is all it takes to benefit from this
wonder-fruit's healing properties. Because oranges are so common and
easy to consume -- whether solid or in juice form -- their healing
properties are that much more effective.
7. Onions
Studies show that onions prevent many cancers in
animals. In humans, it is a well-known fact that onions inhibit stomach
cancer, partly due to their high antioxidant content. Half an onion a
day can lower cholesterol and reduce blood clots -- all the things that
can cause heart attacks and strokes. Onions, if you have ever bitten
into one raw, affect your respiratory system. Consequently, they fight
asthma and chronic bronchitis. Unfortunately, onions also give some
6. Carrots
Carrots are a potent medicinal food because of their beta-carotene
content. Beta-carotene is linked with fighting cancer, strengthening the
immune system and protecting arteries. One carrot a day can cut lung
cancer risk in half and the belief that carrots are good for the eyes is
well-founded: beta-carotene prevents
diseases, such as cataracts. They also have a soothing effect on the
stomach, reducing constipation and diarrhea. Furthermore, according to
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition,
carrots cleanse the body by flushing out heavy metals from its tissues.
This protects us from developing health problems in the future.
5. Salmon
Of all the fatty fish, salmon has the highest omega-3 fat content,
which prevents heart problems. Studies show that eating salmon once a
week can lower the risk of heart attacks by half and also lowers blood
pressure. It may reduce arthritis, prevent asthma, fight multiple
sclerosis, and prevent colon and breast cancer.
4. Beans
As a natural gas inducer, beans are the butt of many a joke, but this
aliment is most definitely a healing food. Beans lower the risk of
developing prostate cancer, and half a cup a day can lower cholesterol
by 10%. Beans also balance blood sugar levels, making them a great food
for diabetics. And as is no surprise, they also regulate colon

3. Seaweed (kelp)
Because of the lack of
scientific evidence surrounding this food and its relative
inaccessibility, most of the knowledge regarding seaweed is based on
observation and tradition, but some healing properties have been proven.
Seaweed is loaded with iodine. Iodine is used in medicine as a
disinfectant and is used to treat goiters and thyroid cancer. Because of
its calcium, magnesium and iron content, kelp maintains healthy blood,
bones, muscles, and nerve functions.

It is believed that seaweed slows the aging process,
promotes hair growth,
prevents many other cancers, and reduces asthma and bronchitis. But
most of these claims are based on folklore and tradition. Many skin
products also claim that seaweed has therapeutic effects. Nevertheless,
seaweed is a formidable healing food.
2. Lemon
Lemons are natural antiseptics, so they are known to
fight infections and germs. They also treat many skin conditions such as
warts and boils, and in the past, lemons were used as insect repellant.
The abundance of lemon throat pills on the market result from the fact
that lemons are used as healing agents for sore throats.

are also very effective against many common bugs. Their high vitamin C
content boosts the immune system, and fights colds, pneumonia and
fevers. Some believe lemons prevent asthma, headaches and arthritis, but
that has yet to be proven scientifically.
1. Garlic
Garlic is the best medicinal food of them all. So what can it do? The question is, what
it do? According to the National Cancer Institute, garlic is one of the
best cancer fighters around. Among other things, garlic lessens the
risk of developing stomach cancer. Every year, scientists find new
cancer-fighting compounds in garlic, so there are too many to list.

Garlic works best when eaten raw or aged. It fights off bacteria,
fungus, infections, and viruses. Most folk medicines claim it can treat
just about any small ailment, but even if it probably can't cure
everything, its medicinal effects have been effective enough to find
their way into the annals of many cultures' traditional medicines.
Historically, because of its iodine content, garlic was used as a
natural antibiotic like penicillin, until 1928, when the latter was

In the case of heart problems, one to two cloves a
day are enough to lower the risk of heart attacks by half. Garlic also
stimulates the immune system; helps the body get rid of toxins; lowers
cholesterol and blood pressure; prevents blood clots; and has diuretic,
anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties. Unfortunately, because of
its potency, too much garlic can cause bloating, fever and diarrhea.
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