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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Experts Look at Three Effective Weight-Loss Supplements

There is so much news on supposed supplements, it can be difficult to imagine there's much left to say.

Almost every couple of months a new researcher or research group says there is a new plant-based compound sure to help individuals shave pounds effectively.

Based on the latest study covering the latest supplements, there are a handful of supplements that do actually improve one's weight-loss capabilities.

Resveratrol has been hailed as a potential anti-aging wonder after a publication from Harvard's David Sinclair noted a study spanning 2003-2006 that showed it extended the lifespan of mice.

The extract of grape seeds has since been shown to boost metabolism and help reduce excess weight gain.

A group of Dutch researchers found that obese males who took 150mg of the extract daily had lowered blood sugar totals, as well as lowered liver fat and blood pressure within a month.

White Kidney Bean extract has been another quality find by researchers. Dr. Oz hailed the compound as a quality natural “fat-blocker” which prevents the absorption of starches.

The exciting factor comes from a double-blind study published in 2007, which found that 445 mg per day helped enact weight loss in those who were moderately overweight, even with a high-carbohydrate diet. A second double-blind study found the extract helped inhibit a weight-gain enzyme.

“What’s happening is that a carb present in beans occupies the enzymes that normally break down carbohydrates so they have to travel further down the intestine,” says noted obesity expert Louis Aronne, MD, Director of the Comprehensive Weight Control Program at Weill-Cornell Medical College. “They’re not really being blocked, but that their digestion is slowed.”

Finally, DHEA, a hormone regulator, has many in the diet and health sector excited about its potential.

The compound is a naturally occurring steroid hormone that helps boost energy levels in individuals. DHEA levels are known to decrease with age, and so researchers wondered if the compound was a way to enact a sort of anti-aging capability within individuals.

The Mayo Clinic found that the compound worked effectively in older individuals, but not in adolescents “We don’t use DHEA as a primary weight loss tool, but we do measure DHEA levels in our patients and if DHEA is low, we give it,” says Louis Aronne, MD.

The theory is that a particular ratio of DHEA creates optimal weight control, and thus excess use is superfluous.

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