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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Those Who Suffer From Migraine Face Social Stigma

In addition to suffering the debilitating pain of a migraine, sufferers also have to deal with the negative social stigmas, says a report presented at the recent International Headache Congress in Boston.

Dr. Robert Shapiro, a prof of neurological sciences at the University of Vermont College of Medicine, says that people who don't get the headaches tend to doubt the veracity of those who suffer from them:

"We were able to validate that people who have migraine are not mistaken that they feel they are stigmatized. We have found those perceptions are well-grounded, and that the stigma that people with migraine experience is of a similar magnitude to the stigma people with epilepsy and panic attack experience."

He added: "The general attitude is that migraine is not a serious or valid condition."
Shapiro and his team polled 765 people online in order to determine responses toward migraine sufferers in various situations.

Migraine sufferers scored high on the stigmatization ranking, while asthma scored a low stigmatization ranking, a fact that Shapiro attributes to a lack of public awareness about the disorder.

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