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Sunday, July 28, 2013

Foods that helps with heartburn

Heartburn can happen due to a variety of reasons. Having spicy foods, eating too fast without chewing properly, eating quickly when you’re stressed out, going overboard with alcohol and smoking, lack of proper sleep and not being able to digest certain foods are all culprits.

bananaHere’s what you can do to relieve heartburn:
- Bananas are known to have certain qualities that help against acidity and heart burn. Make it a habit to have one daily.
- Avoid eating in a hurry. The more you chew your food, the better it will digest.
- Ensure that you eat smaller meals instead of just three large meals every-day. The large gap between meals causes gas.
- Foods like pickles, mustard, vinegar, chocolates, excessive tea or coffee, citrus fruits or juices, carbonated beverages, spicy foods are known to increase the acidity in your body. Control your consumption.
- Stay away from raw salads, which contain onions, cabbage or radish.
- Drink at least 10 glasses of water everyday.
- Make it a habit to have a mixture of two teaspoons of natural apple cider vinegar and the same amount of raw honey in a glass of water before your meals.
- Avoid eating just before you go to bed.
- Sleep on a high pillow with your head and shoulders resting comfortably on it.
- Chewing tulsi leaves is known to give you quick relief from gas.
- Suck on a small piece of jaggery till your acidity is in control.
- Having some ajwain seeds after your meals is another solution.
- Watermelons, bananas, almonds and cucumbers are known to have properties that will give you relief from heartburn.
- Include a lot of naariyal paani and milk in your diet.
- Drink mint juice after every meal.


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