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Monday, July 29, 2013

New Way To Conceive

A UK based company has found a natural way to help couples conceive.

The company has invented a slim, walnut-sized gadget which captures data through the woman’s body temperature.

In order to activate it, a woman simply has to wear the gadget like a patch under her arm and continue with her normal activities.

The DuoFertility then takes body temperature measurements up to 20,000 times a day, reports

Through these readings, the gadget is able to pinpoint the exact days of the month a woman is most likely to conceive.

After three to four days of wearing it, a woman can upload the temperature data to a computer, along with observations about her menstrual cycle, sleep habits and moods, and send it to a lab at Cambridge University in England, writes

“We use all of the data for each individual woman, and all of the thousands of others that we’re monitoring, to work out exactly which algorithms work for the woman most similar to this one,” CEO and co-founder Shamus Husheer told

“It is this combination of both automated analysis and expert review of this data that sets us apart from anything else out there, and probably to a large extent explains why our pregnancy rates are so high for patients who are well past buying something off the shelf at the pharmacy.”

“The really surprising thing is that, for only a relatively small increment in cost over the [more basic, competitor] at-home devices, DuoFertility gives a vastly higher pregnancy rate than artificial insemination, and even matches or exceeds that of IVF,” he added.

“We use all of the data for each individual woman, and all of the thousands of others that we’re monitoring, to work out exactly which algorithms work for the woman most similar to this one,” says Husheer.

According to the company, Cambridge Temperature Concepts, more than 1,000 couples using the device have become pregnant since its 2009 release in England.


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