The electrical impulses are sent out to block abnormal signals that can cause a number of different neurological disorders.
DBS is commonly used to treat essential tremor, Parkinson's disease, and dystonia (a movement disorder in which the muscles contract and spasm).
The procedure is also being studied as a potential form of treatment for Tourette syndrome and major depression.
The DBS system is made up of three different components:
- an implanted pulse generator
- the lead
- an extension wire

The insertion of an electrode.
The extension wire travels under the skin and connects the lead to
the implanted pulse generator - which sends out the electrical signals.DBS alters activity in the brain in a controlled manner, as opposed to lesioning techniques its effects are completely reversible.
DBS is associated with an increased release of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), leading to a build up of adenosine. ATP is an energy-carrying molecule found in the cells of all living things.
According to a study published in the prestigious journal Nature Medicine, adenosine A1 receptor activation depresses excitatory transmission in the thalamus thus reducing both tremor and DBS induced side effects.1
DBS is mainly carried out on patients whose symptoms cannot be properly treated with medications.
The procedure does not destroy any nerve cells or healthy brain tissue.
Even though the majority of patients will have to continue taking medication following DBS, many will experience a considerable reduction in their Parkinson's disease symptoms and and will probably be on fewer drugs.
DMS typically involves two separate surgeries:
- Brain surgery - Firstly, doctors have to identify
the region of the brain where the electrodes will be implanted. This is
done by analyzing the results of an MRI scan.
Before surgery a stereotactic head frame is fixed to ensure that the patient's head remains still throughout the whole procedure.
Local anesthesia is used to numb the scalp, and a thin wire with electrodes is implanted into the brain. Afterwards, a neurostimulator is implanted near the collarbone.
Patients must be awake during the procedure so that the neurologist can ask questions to make sure the correct areas of the brain are being stimulated. - Chest wall surgery - a day or two after the brain surgery, a pulse stimulator is implanted within the patient's chest.
A small opening is made behind the ear and the extension wire passes under the skin and connects to the neurostimulator.
The stimulator is programmed to send electrical pulses to the brain.Why is deep brain stimulation performed?
Some people suffering from severe Parkinson's disease cannot be controlled on medications, and additional methods of alleviating symptoms, such as DBS, are necessary.
Results of a two-year clinical trial found that DBS greatly improves overall quality of life and social functioning among patients in earlier stages of Parkinson's disease.
In addition to treating Parkinson's disease, DBS can help treat the symptoms of the following conditions and problems:
- Dystonia - the largest follow-up record of patients with the most common form of hereditary dystonia reported very good success rates and lasting benefits from DBS.3.
- Tremors - a University of South Florida report revealed that DBS helped a significant number of patients stop taking medications used to treat their essential tremors within one year following the surgery.4.
- Rigidity
- Trouble walking
- Obsessive-compulsive disorder - A 1999 study published in The Lancet found some evidence to suggest that DBS can help treat OCD.5. The study involved conducting "chronic electrical stimulation instead of bilateral capsulotomy was done in four selected patients with long-standing treatment-resistant obsessive-compulsive disorder. In three of them beneficial effects were observed."
- Tourette syndrome - Andrea Cavanna, MD, lead author of a study published in Neurology, revealed that DBS may be a safe and effective treatment for Tourette syndrome.6. Two years after deep brain stimulation began, the study participants experienced 52 percent fewer tics, on average, and a 26 to 33 percent improvement in the symptoms of OCD, depression and anxiety.
- Major depression - A group of researchers in Canada found that DBS is a safe and new approach that has shown tremendous results for patients with treatment-resistant depression.7.
- Obesity - major advances in understanding the "addiction circuitry" of the brain could effectively treat obesity using DBS, according to a report in Neurosurgery - the official journal of the Congress of Neurological Surgeons.8.
Risks and complications
DBS is a safe procedure, however, there is a small risk of:- Coordination difficulties
- Lack of coordination
- Trouble concentrating
- Allergic reaction
- Blurry vision
- Tingling sensation all over the body
- DBS equipment breaking
- Brain swelling
- Blood clot
- Stroke
- Confusion
- Infection
- Breathing problems
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