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Monday, September 01, 2014

Facts About Female And Male Masturbation

Masturbation is one of the most common sexual activities, but there is such a strong stigma associated with it. Most people have masturbated at some point in time in their lives, but because of social norms, many won’t admit to it.

The Internet has been a great place for people to share questions, answers, and information about the often taboo topic.

BuzzFeed, known for its candor, shared an interesting video with facts about masturbation for both men and women.

Facts About Female Masturbation:

1. According to a 2002 study, 44 percent of undergraduate students masturbated on average 4.7 times per month.
2. Using saliva as a lubricant for sex can disrupt the bacteria in a vagina, which can cause yeast infections.
3. The vibrator was invented by a doctor to cure hysteria — instead of the doctor using their hands, they would use the device.
4. Women who have higher levels of testosterone are more inclined to masturbate.
5. In Japan, it’s illegal to make sex toys that resemble a penis. This is why the rabbit vibrator was invented.
6. Humans are not the only species to masturbate; birds, horses, and apes also self-please.
7. Masturbation can help to relieve different types of pain, including menstrual cramps.
8. There are three types of female orgasms: clitoral, vaginal, and a combination of both.
9. The average female orgasm lasts for 20 seconds. FULL STORY

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