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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Dietary Vegie Foods May Protect Artery Disease

The consumption of more fruits and vegetables can assist in keeping the leg arteries free from blockages, a new research suggests.

"The study reveals the importance of incorporating additional fruits and vegetables in the diet.

People with peripheral artery disease have narrowing of the leg arteries, which reduces the blood flow to the muscles and makes it difficult or painful to walk or stand.

Researchers surveys its data from over 4 million humans with their average age to 64years. They discovered that those who consume three or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day had an 18 percent reduced risk of peripheral artery disease.

Previous research have linked lower fruit and vegetable consumption with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke, but there has been little research into the connection between fruit and vegetable consumption and peripheral artery disease, the researchers said.

Only an association, rather than a cause-and-effect link, between eating produce and peripheral artery disease was seen in this study.

"The current research provides more important information to the public that something as simple as adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet could have a major impact on the prevalence of life-altering peripheral artery disease," said study co-author Dr. Jeffrey Berger.

Dr. Jeffrey Berger is an associate professor of medicine and surgery at New York University School of Medicine.

Older women are most likely to eat three or more fruits and vegetables daily, the study found, while younger black men were least likely to do so.

Current and former smokers with low fruit and vegetable intake had particularly high odds for peripheral artery disease, the researchers said.

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