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Monday, November 20, 2017

Sex Heightened The Union In Marriage

Sex is the physical union of a man and woman through intercourse. It is a physical pleasure experienced in the bodies of married lovers and it is simply wonderful. Full knowledge and appreciation of it makes marriage more fulfilling. The sexual relationship is a very pleasurable one and it should bring a great deal of enjoyment to the marriage. Sexual role in marriage cannot be over-emphasised. God created humanity as sexual beings. Sex is a universal need and desire and it is an established fact that there is no substitute for decent sex in marriage. Most marriages sometimes agonise because of little or no enough insight, perception and healthy awareness of a good strong sexual information;  sex beds of such marriages are suffering.  So today we are going to consider some common areas of sexual contention in marriage and how to avoid them. However, the caution here is that if and when these common areas are not carefully considered with great alertness, they may eventually lead either of the spouses into temptation, infidelity and total collapse of the union.

One … Lack of frequency. Sex between married couples should be as often as possible, not when it is convenient for one spouse. Married partners should joyfully make each other available for their spouses and not do so grudgingly. Some couples especially those raised from a sex-bias background have very funny feelings about sex. They are afraid that frequent, passionate and pleasurable sexual engagement with their partners may lead either of them into infidelity. Contrary to this opinion, however, sex by design, and all things being equal, should increase the intimacy in the union. Sex is gratifying to the marriage relationship and never a minus. Try and have a wholesome one tonight with your spouse and see how nourished your soul and spirit will be.
Two … Lack of good sexual information. Couples should understand that sex is a chemistry that exhibits chains of reactions due to actions.
Wife, please never forget the fact that when a husband is sexually satisfied, he is happy, deeply fulfilled and can go to any length to care, protect, and provide for his wife. The physical tie between a man and his wife through sex is much stronger than any other physical bond imaginable. When a woman realises that sexual fulfillment is a man’s normal and major need, she will be more open to understanding and meeting that need. Many marriages will blossom overnight should the wife decide to embrace this part of her husband’s physical and emotional makeup. When a wife begins to genuinely anticipate meeting her husband’s sexual needs, romance and passion can be reborn in the union. The sexual relationship is a very pleasurable one and it should bring a great deal of enjoyment to the marriage. If the wife feels indifferent about it (which is usually the case), the husband should ask her why and then he should look for a way of making it more pleasurable so that she will be the one who will in turn start panting for it.
Three … Habouring guilt from past negative sexual history. Many times,  carry-over of negative sexual experience such as rape, unhealthy masturbation and wrong sexual information are the bedrock of many sexual contention and conflicts in many homes. I tell wives, if you do not like sex, please do not get married. If you will be pinchpenny with sex, do not get married. If you are going to be using sex as a weapon of punishment or ATM, do not get married because you will eventually use this same attitude to kill the very essence of your marriage. Sex is intended  for the mutual pleasure of husband and wife, both should not feel guilty about exploring the many ‘treats’ sex holds for them. Husbands should realise that their wives are not sexual puppets that should be available only when they want to release their sexual tensions. NO! Both man and woman have equal sexual needs, desire, libido and cravings. Wives are not sexual reservoirs, but bona fide species of humanity created to receive and demand sex from their husbands at will.
Four … As common as it is present in all homes, constant continuous complaints/excuses of tiredness lead to sexual conflict. Spouses should re-examine their work schedule and the amount of time allocated for office or business work and make time available for their partners sexually. Carrying office workload to the bedroom is not a taboo but if it can be stopped, it will enhance more intimacy and closeness and reduce unnecessary tension and fights. Spouses should try not to sleep off immediately after eating or if either of the partners is really tired, other options for sex should be made. Sex can come first thing in the morning before going to work.
Five … Distraction is another area of sexual contention. Researchers have established that the subtle stealer of love and attention in many marriages is just the social media. Spending too much time with the social media devices is not healthy for marriage relationships. For many marriages, it is simply the habitual accommodation of too many visitors who take most of the couples’ private time and energy. Hospitality is not when the husband and wife are chatting with every other person in the house, depriving the couple quality sexual time together. If you must be hospitable, you have to do such with discretion. Your marriage matters. When couples do not create a healthy boundary in their homes especially the bedroom, it may lead to sexual conflict in the relationship. Not making the bedroom a restricted area for visitors and the in-laws can be a big problem.
Six … When partners ignore privacy. Naturally, men hardly get disturbed while having sex. They tend to enjoy themselves with or without noise of any kind. This, perhaps, explains why they could easily rape the female gender. Women are more likely to be distracted than men are. For instance, a woman can be distracted during lovemaking by the cry of a baby, or the smell of a burnt food or the sound of downpour or the fear of another baby or the thought of a sick mother. These distractions make it difficult for most wives to keep their minds on track and to poorly participate in the act which many husbands are bitterly complaining about.
Seven … Not recognising hostile attitude and preventing them. Constant display of excessive annoyance, intolerance behaviour, animosity, bad temper, violent reactions or intense dislike does not only lead to contention but ultimately destroys the sex bed.
Eight … Inability to notice and control unromantic circumstances. When a husband or wife deliberately gets out of shape and sees nothing bad in excessive weight, it may lead to the other fellow not to be interested in sex. Or passing out excessive, uncontrollable gas in an unconventional manner could be displeasing to either of the partners. When a wife is consistently resentful of her husband or her in-laws or on  the other hand, publicly insults her husband, the result is constant conflict and contention.
Nine … Not recognising some intimidating past sexual experience and allowing such experience to dominate the sex bed. Many times, married partners face rejection, negative harsh comments, sexual subjection, disdain reactions, deliberate refusal to put to practise what other partner would love to have during sex or would love to see happen during sex. And when these become issues, many spouses totally refuse to want to have sex again with their spouse or pick up quarrels each time sex is to be expected. Whenever any partner uses sex as an instrument of strive or punishment, there is always a sorrowful ending.
Ten … One major area that leads to sexual contention in marriage is when either of the spouses deliberately constantly criticises things that can never be changed in their partners. When a spouse keeps making constant embarrassing comment on their partner’s shortcomings before or during sex, it is a pointer that such couples’ sexual union is in danger. For instance, when the husband experiences constant premature ejaculation and the wife keeps saying ‘and you call yourself a man…’ or the husband keeps repeating ‘you and this your small breast …’ or one partner says, ‘hmm you snore like our old generator…’ or one partner keeps stressing the fact that the other fellow is ‘too short’ … or ‘too narrow’ or keeps making poor remarks about his ‘tribal marks,’ ‘the crooked legs, and so on. If your spouse is an albino or very dark skinned and all you do is re-emphasising the complexion in a disdain manner, this seemingly a joking matter is one major area of sexual conflict and such destroys the sex bed.
Eleven … Selfishness and self-centeredness when a spouse practises sexual monopoly and control. When I say monopoly, I mean a situation when a partner has sole possession of sexual favours and holding the other person hostage or to ransom. Practising sexual monopoly makes you put sexual favours beyond the reach of your client; it can either be the wife or the husband. I always tell married partners that every disadvantage of monopoly applies to sex in marriage.
Please you must go out of your way to sexually please your spouse because you are the only one divinely appointed to sexually satisfy your spouse.
Twelves … Lastly learn how to warm up to changes. When either of the partners is not observant of their partner’s mood, or concerned about their own sexual performance level and the only concentration has always been how they can enjoy themselves during sex, it will lead to conflicts. Let your first major priority be on how to give your spouse the best satisfying experience.
Questions and answers
Our sexual life very clumsy and annoying
Our sexual life is still very clumsy, especially when it comes to changing positions and all that. I am not as interested as I used to be. Is there something we are not doing right?
J.A. Cameroun.
One of the challenges that married men must surmount is to decide on what positions to use when engaging in penetrative sex with their spouse. The biggest fears are that their wives will get bored with the ‘same old style,’ and as a result, lose interest in sex. So, the question becomes important: What are the best sexual positions?
To adequately answer these questions, let us first consider the top five mistakes most men make with sexual positions. It is these mistakes that make sex clumsy.
Position mistake 1: Imitating anything seen in a porn movie. This is probably the biggest reason that many husbands fail with sexual positions. Inexperienced husbands think porn is a good model because they see how a lady and a man go about manipulating positions. The fact is that sexual positions in those  movies are meant to display a good scene for viewers, not to maximise pleasure for the actors. Most times, the actors are in severe unexplainable pains. In fact, one of the worst positions for clitoral and vaginal stimulation is when the woman puts her ankles on your shoulders. With her pelvis bent back that far, she can feel pain in her cervix if you push in too far.
Position mistake 2: Trying too hard to keep your weight off the woman, in any position. To a woman, sex is a way to get closer to her husband. She loves it when he leans on the underside of her thighs. You see, during sex, almost every woman enjoys feeling her man’s body pressed hard against her.
Position mistake 3: Allowing the woman do all the sexual work when she’s on top. For virtually every woman, sex is mostly a passive activity. So, by being the motionless male, you destroy the whole purpose of sex for her.
Position mistake 4: A lot of men have read too many ‘men are from mars’ type of books and think that women like it if you seek permission for everything, and let the female folks take the lead. Be the alpha male instead and just ‘do it.’
Position mistake 5: Don’t think that the complex and most complicated positions are better. You don’t need to do something crazy. Just be normal. An old standby like the missionary (man on top, woman lying on her back) can be the best sexual position; risky positions are just frustrating for everybody and often kill the mood.
She does not care
I have a wife that is not disposed to the technicalities of sex. In fact, she is a weakling in bed. I love sex, but she doesn’t. My major grouse with her is persistent complaints of pains during sexual intercourse. I first thought it might be because of the big size of my manhood, but a neighbour of mine that I discussed the issue with later told me that the problem is peculiar to some women
I am having persistent temptation to sleep with some other women that are truly willing to give it to me rather than dying in silence.
Please, what can I do?
Hi, A.A.,
Thanks for your patience and love for your wife. I don’t know if you have taken quality time out to really explain your feelings to her. If so, I would love to know if you do not skip foreplay, because a wife can’t be a best sexual partner without a thorough foreplay. In addition, how do you treat her when sex is not on the agenda? A wife you treat in a nice way will easily open up her legs for you. How about taking her for a trip and spoiling her with affection? Majority of wives love that and it is a gateway to the type of sex you long for.
Sometimes, the complaint she gives may be a genuine one. Why not visit the family doctor with her and let her undergo some tests to know if all is well? Sometimes, circumcision may be the reason for the pain. But the size of your penis has nothing to do with the pain because the head of the baby that passes through the vagina is bigger than the biggest penis.

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